New registration


► Individual results on "Result details" page do not count +:- / -:+ games. (Team result still include those games.)

► The forum messages page contains textbox and link to show the message with entered ID in pop up window. You can use ALT+M to focus the text box and ALT+S the "show" link.

► Fixed displaying forum messages in pages (only 1st page was accessible)

► Numbers in front of matches on "Actual results" page are links to Result details of the match

► Forum message contains link to writer profile

► Messages in forum "EL - dates" are shown in one page (If you choose to see all messages for all rounds the paging is added to the list).

► Infos (rules, help, ...) page contains modification time in front of  the link to particular page

► Forum Euroleague - dates displays only messages for current round; added link "Show all messages"

► My Team and Profile tables look the same in IE and Mozilla based browsers now

► pop-up windows (countries, forum message editing/viewing) in IE should look as good as in Mozilla based browser

► fixed: it is possible to use characters: "<", ">", "&" in forum message subject and text (special combination like <aaa> caused the text was not visible)
► "Show"  link in forum list is beside forum name (at left side)
► added link to reply message to display original message in pop-up window
► time is displayed without seconds, if seconds = "00"

► fixed: editing message as reply adds "RE: " again (only once, I hope ;-)
► fixed: saving message perform parent window reload (list of messages should contain just saved message)
► colour of unapproved dates in pairing changed from red to gray
► added links to "Team details" page in "Actual results" and "Current round" tables

► minor style changes to make the same comfort for IE users as Mozilla/FF/.. users already have had - IE ignores border around table row (<TR>)

► new Current round and Actual result pages - no longer static

► focus is automatically set to "Login" input box, if the input box is visible

► Added link "Back to forum list" in forum message listing (beside link "New message")
► "RE: " in reply subject is added only once (is not added repeatedly to subsequent replies)

► there is the last message and message count displayed in the list of forums
► if you are replying to existing message, the subject is filled by "RE: original-subject"
► team details page contains also EX-MEMBERS
► forum message header contains name and Kurnik nick now

► list of players can be sorted also by kurnik nick - menu item "by nick"

► login is case INsensitive (only on login form)

► new style with border arround menu and fixed thin IE window problem
► user profile contains link to kurnik statistics
► user list contains link labeled as user kurnik nick (not only word "profile")
► if there was not information of user registration date, date was set to 2005-12-12 00:00:00

► player become team member after accepting by captain (not by joining a team as waiting member)
► list of players is sorted by "Surname, Firstname" (not by "Login, Surname, Firstname")